The current political climate in Átopos is Tense to say the least. Current day is the tail-end of a 10 year war with the Amazons of the north. Where the 10 year siege of one of their cities recently ended. The war began over a battle of custody between a king of Átopos and the Amazonian warrior who had mothered the princess of his kingdom. It is custom for any children born by Amazons to spend most of their lives and at the very least their youth in the Amazon. The king did not abide by the old customs and hid his daughter away. In retaliation and to rescue one of their own they struck an Immense blow in the utter destruction of Éskathos burning it and 95% of the population including the king. They then escaped back to their homeland with the child. The late king’s brother and the other regents of Átopos then sent the fleet to besiege their city in retaliation
Now with ships starting to return from the war and with the princess returning with them an Uneasy peace has been established between the Amazons and Átopos. Both sides too wounded to continue such a long war. What’s more each of the polis of Átopos seem to blame eachother for some part of the war. Thársos blames the others for not sending enough soldiers as their hunting exports have been Considerably diminished for a decade and the wild monster population much harder to control as a result. Thársos in turn is blamed particularily by Sophos for not supplying enough components for potions and magicians. Sophos is blamed for not thinking of better strategies Pyreus for the lull in arms and armor as they had to mine deeper for resources Phaedria’s seers are blamed for not divining the length of the war and the ire of foreign gods.
Pressure is high on Kýriosagora to keep the peace both internally and with the Amazons.