Named for the sharp peaks and treacherous reefs on the northern side of Thársos creating a natural barrier to would be attackers from the northern seas.
Its high mountain peaks are infested with Harpies and other flying monsters making a habit of throwing unaware prey onto sharp rocks far below for a feast. The underbrush and fields around it stalking many a cat-like predator and the thundering hooves of centaurs.
But most dangerous of all is not the mountains themselves but what lies, far, far below. Every so often roughly once every 5 years. An outpour of dangerous subterranean creatures bursts forth from below creating Unprecedented danger as they destroy anyone and anything in their path. Both wild and unpredictable creatures such as hook-horrors and some monsters capable of organizing themselves such as grimlocks and demonic forces some said to have escapred from Apóllumnos itself.