Table of Contents
Order in the Cosmos is an important aspect of Atopos As such when a person devotes themselves to a specific god or vocation or simply a calling they may become part of The Devoted.
Most heroes of Atopos have been so dedicated to their cause their devotion has become integral parts of them. From Skázos devotion to Sidēreús granting him fists of golden flame to Alkéia’s champion Adaman’s crystal body or Techné the great artist who’s long braided hair turned to brushes of ever-changing colors in response to her pure fervor of creation.
Choosing a Devotion
A devotion should not be chosen lightly as it is intended to be a Life Calling.
The Devotion system has 5 phases: Inital, Disciple, Champion and Avatar.
Switching from one devotion to another is possible but will remove all the progress of the devotion system to Initial and it will not be possible to pick the old devotion again.
Note that I wanna make this as specialized to you guys as possible so these are open to suggestions and changes that might fit your character better. But here’s a general description of my thoughts on the powerlevels of the steps:
You are granted a first level spell which can be cast a number of times equal to your proficency modifier per *long* rest. If the spell requires a dc or attack roll use your *highest* modifier of CHA, WIS or INT. Casting the spell this way requires no material components. You also chose one cantrip of similar nature. Such as a Smith learning Mending. And proficeny in one appropriate skill or Tools.
An appropriate 3rd level spell, Advantage skill checks of one type or one tool type. Choose one Condition _e.g_ Posioned, Prone, Restrained, Grappled etc. You have advantage on skill checks to avoid the condition.
Gain a passive ability equivalent to a feat such as Sentinel or Observant And a +1 to all saving throws and AC
Add a secondary racial of appropriate monster type by doing this;
Choose 2 ability scores their current and maximum value increases by 2.
Choose one active monster ability or two passive monster abilities.
The avatar ability if for example you were devoted to Craftmanship might give you abilities from a Clay Golem.
Such a player might choose Immunity to bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage from non-magical weapons and Immutable Form which stops shape-altering magic from working on them.
Or they may choose Haste as a bonus action once per combat as an active ability.
An Example Devotion
The Devoted Blacksmith:
Shield of faith proficency times/Long Rest
Mending Cantrip
Proficency with Smiths Tools
Elemental Weapon,
Advantage Smith Tools,
Advantage against poison
+1 Saving Throw, +1 AC,
Heavy Armor Master
+2 Strength +2 Con
Haste as a BA 1/Combat
Gaining Devotion
This homebrew system is inspired by Theros Piety system. However it
- Felt underpowered as far as godly boons go and
- Felt a bit too rigid in how it was earned/lost (1 piety every session and then little tiny extra points when doing specific actions)
So. Instead of that we’re going to try something different. I call them Moments of Glory.
In essence as we play certain choices will come up that reflect your devotion. For example hurling yourself over a pit of spikes to grab an item relating to your devotion (fragment of a blade, a scroll to a treasure, a relic of your deity etc.) Instead of passing on the risk and getting yourself to safety may earn you a Moment Of Glory.
Generally each step up on the Devotion ladder requires Two Moments Of Glory (Except Initial that requires only one.)
Moments of Glory and progression
Each step up the devotion ladder increases the stakes. While risking your life for an item might be enough to reach inital or even add to your progress towards disciple a bigger moment is required for the next step.
For example a Moment of Glory to reach Champion might be Completing an Ancient Artifact or finishing a Godly Quest like “Restore Life to the Currently cursed holy woods of Phynai.”
While to reach Avatar requires truly ASTOUNDING feats. Think Hercules completing all 12 labours. Or Theseus defeating the minotaur (completing a long very trapped, very dangerous dungeon) And notably after both moments you will also need the blessing of a relevant individual (god, very powerful creature e.g. Ancient Dragon, Archfey or Master of the given devotion)
Think of it as Additional milestones. The idea is that I will add essentially Extra Objectives to adventures you’re already on to see if you wanna “risk it for the bisquit” or not. As we reach epic levels perhaps each Moment could be an adventure in its own right.
These objectives WILL be easier to achieve if you specifically set out on an adventure in order to do so though. It’s easier to know to award Moments if it’s a character goal that you are directly driving the party towards.
Losing Devotion
In addition you may Lose devotion steps if you do something directly contrary to your goals. Say for example your Devotion is deeply connected to loyalty. Such as someone Devoted to Protection.
If you then Sacrifice another party member during an adventure for your own gain you may lose a Moment of Glory or go down a whole step (in this case maybe two or all). Stuff like that. Punishment in proportion to crime. Also note that this is homebrew, which means its subject to playtesting and change.
TL;DR or In short
You will have side quests and cool moments where you get to make important choice between risk and reward. When take risks get reward if not die! And also being very passionate about 1 particular thing helps you.