“The Utterly Destroyed Place” “Place of the Dead” “The Underworld” “The Far Away place”
The Gates of Apóllumnos Guarded by Cerberus
Apóllumnos colloquially known as Após (Away place) is the place the soul goes at the moment of death in Átopos. Little is known amongst the living for far and few inbetween are the legends that enter the gates of the underworld and return to tell the tale.
What is known is that it is confusing dark and gloomy for mortals to travel through. It is ruled by Anaximénō And that it is made up of at least three layers:
- “The Ashen Meadows” Where all mortals enter wheter by soul or by flesh.
- “Isles of the blessed” Where true Heroes rest
- “Isógeio” The lowest point where Anaximéno and the unrepentant dead reside
Após is also made up of several rivers that cross the layers but these are spoken of only rarely and rarer still by name as they are one of the fastest ways to enter and to invoke a the names of the rapid streams of Após is to ask to be delivered to it. Never the less two are mentioned in passing myths of great deeds.
The Styx
- The river of Hate. Most wellknown as the one the ferryman brings the dead down on. The Phlegethon
- The river of Fire. A flowing magma river said to be the most painful way to be pulled into Após.